Request for Proposal
The Indiana Affiliation for Recovery Residences (INARR) has a contract with the Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction (DMHA) to increase bed capacity of recovery residences by providing funds for building modification. INARR is offering mini-grants to recovery residences in the amount of a minimum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) per grant per organization for projects addressing this need. Special consideration will be given to geographically underserved areas and recovery residences that do not have the financial capability to undertake improvements or expansions.
Guidelines for Submitting Proposal
Applicants must fill out this standard application form, including a detailed budget. Submissions are due no later than November 27, 2023, and you will receive notification by December 19, 2023. Grant recipients are required to submit a Completion Report following completion of the project no later than August 15, 2024. All work will be physically inspected after August 15th yet before the end of September 2024.
To Qualify for Funds:
- Applying organization or individual must:
- Be located or providing services in the State of Indiana.
- Be a 501c (3) charitable organization or a for profit organization
- Connect the project to the INARR goal of providing increase in bed capacity for individuals in the recovery community.
- Comply fully with the INARR standards and Code of Ethics.
- Currently be a DMHA certified at Level II, III or IV
- Complete the attached grant request completely.
- Be in good standing or able to gain good standing with modifications.
- Be a tobacco free (including vape products, chewing tobacco, etc.)
- Grant applications must have:
- Complete and clear information.
- A detailed budget including everything needed to complete the project.
- A list of other funding sources when not requesting full funding.
- All staff complete and sign INARR Code of Ethics.
- Attachment of Tobacco free policy for organization.
- Complete attached W-9 form in order to receive funding
- Applications MUST be mailed or delivered in person by the deadline provided, or emailed to
- Incomplete packets will not be reviewed.
Grant recipients must agree to comply with the following terms and conditions:
- INARR representative(s) will be granted access to the premises or project site at any time to ensure that the project is being completed as proposed.
- The organization receiving the grant will answer any questions or concerns that INARR has concerning the project or the use of the funds during completion of the project.
- The organization receiving the grant will provide all estimates for work to be completed to the INARR representative(s) in order to receive half of total amount awarded. A minimum of two bids must be provided when possible.
- The organization receiving the grant will provide receipts and/or invoices describing the items purchased and work that has been completed with grant money to the INARR representative(s) in order to receive the remaining awarded at least 30 days after initial amount has been awarded. All estimates, reporting, and completed work MUST be sent to
- Each grant fund recipient must submit a Completion Report for Funded Projects summarizing the status of the project and other documentation to support the work completed, including pictures, invoices etc. at the Grant Cycle’s completion.
- A grant fund recipient must request a variance from INARR before using grant funds for a purpose other than that for which it was originally approved. The grant recipient understands no funds will be available for reimbursement of expenses if the request is denied.
- If funds are not spent prior to June 1, 2024, the grant recipient must notify INARR by that date so that the funds may be reallocated to other recipients.
- Two (2) bids or quotes must accompany all applications for equipment.
- Grant recipients must agree to acknowledge INARR and DMHA in any information or promotions related to the funded projects.
By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to follow the terms and conditions outlined in this grant proposal. I understand that any misuse of funds, incomplete work and/or lack of documentation without discussion with INARR Representative(s) could result in future disqualifications from potential grant opportunities, in addition to other natural consequences.